The Gardens will be closed today, February 16th, due to inclement weather.

Botanica secures future garden site

Future Garden Site

We are happy to share some truly fantastic news about the Waterfront Botanical Gardens effort.

Earlier this week, Botanica formalized our agreement with Louisville Metro Government over the use of the former Ohio Street Landfill property at Frankfort Avenue and River Road.

The five-year lease provides a path for Botanica to purchase the property, provided that agreed upon milestones are met. Those milestones include the environmental analysis of the site, creation of the Founders’ Garden at the base of the Heigold facade, completion of architectural and landscape design, and raising at least $2 million for the garden project. The rent on the property will be $70 during the term of the agreement, and it includes a provision to be extended on a month-to-month basis after the five-year term has ended.

As every gardener knows, you need land to grow a garden.  This lease is a major step forward in our effort to build the Waterfront Botanical Gardens.  It shows the growing support within our community and among its leaders to create a botanical garden near downtown Louisville.

This agreement is the formal commitment our Board of Directors has been looking for prior to moving ahead with significant investment in the site. With the lease now in place, Botanica plans to begin our environmental analysis, as well as the process of selecting our architect and landscape design team.

The commitment of our future garden site is the biggest milestone we’ve achieved since the botanical garden effort began – and we couldn’t have done it without your help.

Many thanks for your support!
