We are deeply saddened by the death of Board member and long time supporter of Botanica, Dot Wade. Dot has been working toward the development of a botanical garden for 30 years.
When asked why she believed in this project, Dot said:
“We need places where children can learn about nature and interact with it. If we don’t take care of our land, our plants, our air and water, our future will be grim. We need to learn and change our ways, and pass that knowledge onto our children. There is so much we can teach the community about conservation and stewardship of natural resources through hands-on experiences. The Waterfront Botanical Gardens is going to be the place where this happens.”
“We are dedicated to creating a botanical garden on our waterfront for Louisville, for our children, our citizens and the visitors to our wonderful city to enjoy for many, many years to come. I look forward to seeing it happen!”
Bob Hill remembers Dot:
“She had a wonderful way of speaking, her voice so distinctive, her thoughts so encouraging and complimentary, her history and vision of Botanica so valuable . She brought life to all our gardens – personal and professional – and she always will.”
Dot was a devoted volunteer of the world, trying to make it a better and more beautiful place for all.
Dot’s obituary can be viewed online: Dot’s obituary