The Gardens are open during roadwork on Frankfort Avenue. Please allow ample time to reach us when visiting!

We’d like to invite you to play a leadership role in helping to build the Graeser Family Education Center. The Education 100 is our campaign to raise $1 million toward the construction of the educational center through major gifts by a broad base of supporters in our community.

Our goal is to find 100 supporters – individuals, families, organizations or companies – who will give at least $10,000 each toward the building. Gifts may be given in one lump sum, such as $10,000 this year. They may also be pledged and funded over multiple years, such as $5,000 a year for two years, or $2,500 a year for four years.

In appreciation for their generous support, individuals who participate in the Education 100 Campaign will be permanently recognized on the building as part of a donor acknowledgement installation.

Will you join us in creating this groundbreaking educational opportunity for our community?

This opportunity closes Dec. 31, 2018 so that we can get the names ready to install in 2019.

Fewer than 15 spots remaining!

Join the Education 100 Today!


To join the Education 100, complete and mail the form linked above, or contact Development Manager, Elizabeth Chandler.