The Gardens are open during roadwork on Frankfort Avenue. Please allow ample time to reach us when visiting!

Volunteer Opportunities – Making the Garden a Reality

As you know, as of September 2009, the Louisville Botanical Garden and Conservatory is the designated user of the site at River Road and Frankfort Avenue for which we worked so long!  We are now moving forward with plans for this wonderful addition to our city, region and state.


We need to involve each and every person who would like to see the LBGC arise from a former landfill, becoming an intriguing and unique facility unlike any in the world.  Opportunities to make it such are unending, in large part because we are utilizing the landfill and will also be able to take advantage of new and exciting “green” technology from the ground up. 


We are working toward establishing a vibrant group of volunteers that will help grow the dream of the Louisville Botanical Garden and Conservatory into a reality.  Following are some areas in which we can use volunteer help.  If there are other areas in which you think we might use your talents, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


Special Events such as Lectures on Gardening and Horticulture topics:  Botanica has long had a tradition of bringing well-known authors to Louisville to lecture on various gardening and horticultural topics.  We can use help in planning, organizing and recruiting for future lectures, working at lectures (registration, book signing table, set-up/clean-up, fundraisers, etc.), supplying items needed for the lecture or a door prize, and help with marketing and/or advertising the lectures.  Specifically, we are excited that Jon Carloftis ( has been scheduled to appear on May 23, 2010, for which we will need volunteers.


Louisville Botanical Garden and Conservatory Project (“LBGC”).  There are a lot of areas that we can use help with towards establishing the LBGC.  Specifically, we might have volunteer opportunities for grant proposals, fund raising events etc, marketing and advertising, participation with community groups to promote the project (help identify groups, events, or projects with which Botanica might work, manning a booth at community events, speaking to groups or at community events, etc.


We also may need volunteers to serve on committees, do administrative tasks, (mailings, membership maintenance, etc), or writing articles and blogs for the website at


Community Garden Spots:  Botanica has established the Fleur de Lis gardens at Waterfront Park and may be involved with another organization in establishing and maintaining other Community Garden Spots.  We can use help maintaining the Fleur de Lis gardens and may have opportunities for volunteers planting and maintaining other garden spots.


For more information or to get involved, contact the volunteer chairman, Peggy Grant, at
