Join us for an exciting speaker event:
Curating an Organic Rose Collection:
6 years at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden with Sarah Owens
Tuesday, June 23
6:00 pm refreshments, 7:00 pm speaker
Whitehall, 3110 Lexington Rd.
Includes tour of the garden
Sorry – this event is sold out
Members: Free.
Non-Members: $10.
The Cranford Rose Garden at the BBG is one of the most world renowned collections for historic and rare roses. Sarah will discuss the ways in which she managed over 4,000 roses in the collection to bring it into a completely organic system of care while introducing perennials and annuals to maintain four seasons of interest.
Sarah Owens grew up in Clinton, Tennessee, and received a bachelor of arts with an emphasis in ceramics from Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky. After receiving a certificate from the New York Botanical Garden’s School of Professional Horticulture, she spent six years as curator of the historic Cranford Rose Garden and the Rose Arc Pool at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Prior to joining BBG, Sarah worked at many gardens in the New York City area, including those of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and the Battery Conservancy and currently works as a freelance garden designer in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Kentucky.